Encouraging a new generation of surveyors: school visits

school visits sophie allen jess smith hartnell taylor cook website

We recognise that we and our people have a significant role to play in the communities within which we work and live. As part of that, we actively encourage everyone to take one day each year to volunteer for something that’s close to their heart. When that activity coincides with encouraging a new generation to consider surveying as a career, we consider that a double win.

Recently several of our people went into local schools to talk to students about life as a surveyor and to encourage them to consider a surveying career.

In Partnership with Bristol Works, Jess Smith and Sophie Allen recently visited the Oasis Academy Brightstowe in Shirehampton (north Bristol) to talk to students about life as a surveyor. To build their interest, the students were given a task to experience a day-to-day surveyor activity, after which they were then given an exercise identifying a suitable tenant for an imaginary property.

James Frost and Charlie Pooley also volunteered their time when they visited Orchard School in Bristol, talking to year 10 students about life as a surveyor. Organised by UWE Business Centre for a Property Charter event, the day involved with a talk from experts on the property industry in Bristol, then group exercises and presentations.

Hopefully we’re creating a new generation of surveyors.

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