Familiar faces at the heart of Guide Dog media campaign

If one of the people in the Guide Dogs’ current promotion looks familiar to HTC friends, it’s because it’s our very own Adam Drysdale, senior facilities manager, and his fiancée, Elle, fronting the campaign.

Hartnell Taylor Cook Guide Dogs Bristol

The couple have been fostering trainee guide dog puppies since 2021 and are now the face of the drive to encourage more people to become a ‘puppy parent’ while it’s in training to become a guide dog.

Working closely with the Bristol branch of the national charity, the couple were recently interviewed by the BBC about their support and the day-to-day life of fostering puppies: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c7247lzd4j4o

There are about 200 people across the South West and Wales who are currently waiting for a guide dog and the charity is actively pushing for more people to foster their puppies. Everyone at Hartnell Taylor Cook is incredibly proud of Adam and Elle, and to support their efforts, we have made Guide Dogs our chosen charity in 2024.

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