Guide Dogs and Bristol Children’s Hospital: our 2024 charities

In 2024 the team at Hartnell Taylor Cook will be raising money to support Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Guide Dog for Hartnell Taylor Cook

We recognise that all of us have a significant role to play in the communities where we work and live. We actively encourage our employees to develop and harness their skills to add value to the many voluntary and community organisations who rely on volunteers to achieve their objectives. Every year we choose our preferred charity and in 2024, we will be supporting Guide Dogs.

In addition to Guide Dogs, our Bristol office will continue to raise funds for the Wallace and Gromit Grand Appeal for the Bristol Children’s Hospital.

We believe that the work that both of these charities do makes a major difference in peoples’ lives and we are proud to support them in as many ways we can. Over the coming months we’ll keep you updated on our fundraising activities, from cake-sales to marathons.

Pictured: Alissa, the puppy guide dog in training being fostered by Adam in our Property Management team in Bristol. You can follow Alissa’s adventures on Instagram.

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