National Apprenticeship Week part 1: Dan Wear

National Apprenticeship Week 2025 Hartnell Taylor Cook Dan Wear web

With National Apprenticeship Week officially upon us, we took the opportunity to sit down with Dan Wear, the very first apprentice we welcomed to Hartnell Taylor Cook. It’s been just over a year since Dan joined us in our Bristol office as an apprentice Finance Assistant, and we thoroughly enjoyed hearing all about his first twelve months with us. Read on to find out more…

At the beginning:

Having started with us at 19, Dan emphasised that, as opposed to traditional education, an apprenticeship had appealed for the personal and financial benefits of the high value, hands-on skills it offered him.

“Being able to progress and gain qualification through hands-on experience is a stand-out for employers and for myself. I’m filled with a sense of competence that is both sought after and satisfying. It’s an ideal combination.”

“My apprenticeship is incredibly rewarding; I find that I get as much back as I put in. I’ve noticed that the discipline I’ve developed at work and the learnings I have applied to clients have taken root in and positively influenced my personal life, too.”

A deepened understanding:

Prior to working at Hartnell Taylor Cook, Dan had been an electrician for two years. The world of accounting presented him with an opportunity to garner a new set of skills and step into various unknowns; getting to tackle these new challenges head on has been a highlight of his first year.

“There are far more avenues that accounting can open up for you than I had previously considered, and a big part of the fun is in navigating each of the unique challenges these present.”

“I’ve particularly enjoyed doing the service charge for our clients for this same reason. Each time there will be a different task or problem that needs to be solved, it’s a fulfilling and stimulating process.”


Dan spoke to how enriching apprenticeships can be as an alternative path to a full-time job or university, providing essential know-how for the professional and personal growth of younger people.

“I couldn’t ask for a better support system or work dynamic. I benefit hugely from the guidance of my experienced colleagues, but I primarily work independently which is seriously worth its weight in gold!”

“Freedom and variety are really important to me, so I thoroughly look forward to building on and diversifying my accounting knowledge for a range of sectors and, crucially, my future career.”

You can read part 2 of National Apprenticeship Week here: National Apprentice Week – Hartnell Taylor Cook

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